Inquests & Public Inquiries


2 Kings Bench Walk’s Inquests and Inquiries team offers expert advice and advocacy at every stage of the process in both public inquiries and inquests.

Members of the team have been (or are instructed) in the most significant public inquiries in recent years including the Grenfell Tower Inquiry, The Post Office Inquiry and the HBOS Inquiry.

Our strength in this area lies in our multi-disciplinary experience, including expertise in criminal law, prison law, police law, immigration law, which we draw on to strengthen this area of expertise.

Our team also acts in all areas of coronial law including inquests and civil actions that arise from deaths in custody, deaths in prisons, road traffic deaths, deaths in care homes and deaths of individuals under the care of medical professionals or the probation.

We represent the full range of Interested Persons, including bereaved families, corporate bodies, local authorities, hospital trusts, and care homes.

Recent Inquests of note include:

  • Case of H – Case involving the representation of a Doctor at a large scale inquest involving issues relating to the policy and procedure of the insertion of naso-gastric tubes during treatment of patients.
  • Case of NI – Case involving a High Court action brought to secure the body of the deceased to be released to a particular family member.
  • Case of EC – Inquest involving the representation of a family whose daughter had died after fainting during a mammogram procedure.
7 Nov 2022

Inquest rules death of British tourist in Dubai police station was due to neglect – John Lofthouse represents Mother of Lee Brown

The 5 day Inquest into the death of Lee Bradley Brown concluded today, 4th November 2022, over 11 years after he passed away. The...

22 Jul 2015

John Lofthouse appears in the High Court in Dubai Inquest case

John Lofthouse was instructed by Imran Khan & Partners on behalf of the claimant in an application for a new Inquest. The details of...


Inquests & Public Inquiries Team
+44 20 7353 1746
