Christopher Hewertson is a criminal barrister who is instructed for the defence and prosecution in complex and lengthy trials, often as leading counsel. He has a proven track record, successfully defending clients charged with the most serious offences, including rapes of children, homicide and kidnap. Christopher has made his name over the last eight years in multi-handed trials involving gang shootings, homicide and drugs trafficking. He has an equally successful track record in fraud cases, high-value financial crime and POCA offences.
Christopher is a strong choice for private clients who require a first-class service. He recently acted for an Uber driver tried for committing sexual assaults in the course of his work. Following his cross-examination of the complainant, the prosecution dropped the case without need for half-time argument.
He is a Grade 4 CPS Prosecutor and a member of the Serious Crime Group, Counter-Terrorism and Rape and Serious Sexual Offences specialist panels.
Christopher has conducted a number of high-profile cases against Queen’s Counsel. He regularly garners the praise of the judiciary and his clients for his tenacious eye for detail, formidable cross-examinations and legal argument.
- R v M, N, E and others (2023)
Multi-handed murder, led by Michael Shaw for the prosecution. 7-week trial. Secured convictions of the leading three murderers who carried out a group stabbing of a rival in Slough. Their masked/covered faces meant the prosecution relied on pain-staking reconstruction of CCTV evidence over many hours to trace the offenders. This was overlaid by complex communication and cell site evidence; an area in which Christopher has developed expertise. Further trials in this series to come.
- R v W EWCA Crim (2020)
Successful defence of client in a kidnap trial (2 weeks) led to representing him for attempted murder: a targeted revenge attack, multiple knifing to the face and neck. Robusta and repeated legal representations led, after some months, to an accepted plea to s.18 wounding. Further successful appearance in the Court of Appeal commuted the sentence from a ‘dangerousness’ extended sentence to a determinate term of 8 years.
Leading Junior
- R v J and others (Reading CC, 2022), Operation Lipton
Leading Philip Allman. Specialist Thames Valley police operation into a “Deliveroo for Drugs” franchise that spanned Berkshire and Surrey with 11 indicted defendants using WhatsApp groups to sell cocaine, ecstasy, 2-CB, ketamine and cannabis. Recoveries of large quantities of cocaine and the linking of separate factions of a large criminal enterprise. Instructed by Charles White or the Thames and Chiltern Complex Case Unit.
- R v H and others (Snaresbrook CC, 2022), Operations Elka, Envie and Elurua
Leading Daniel Wright. Main defendant was tried in respect of multiple armed car-jacking robberies. Complicated similar-fact bad character application argued over a number of days, against the background of prior convictions and acquittals. Multiple shots fired towards the victim/owner of an Audi TT and that stolen car, on a series of stolen plates, used to carry out street-dealing of Class A drugs within Hackney. Linked to complicated, multiple-defendant conspiracies to burgle electronic car keys and high-value vehicles. Two criminal groups in Hackney and Romford linked and coordinated. Instructed by Richard Heatley and Mark Sookram, CPS London.
- R v A and M (Hove CC, 2021), Operation Monza
Led Richard Sedgwick. A complicated BTP investigation into the misuse of young teenagers from London on the transport networks (by rail and road) to carry out extensive County Lines drugs supply of heroin and crack cocaine in Canterbury. The investigation was led by the BTP’s specialist teams against a modern slavery background. The misused runners were neither prosecuted nor called as witnesses, so as to protect them from further abuse and reprisal. The Crown constructed its case around complicated cell site and surveillance evidence. Instructed by West Midlands CPS.
Organised Crime / Gang Cases
- R v G and others (CCC, 2022 and 2023)
A number of gangland shootings, underpinned by the supply of controlled drugs and feuds leading to retaliation and revenge. Trident investigation. A series of Old Bailey trials. Instructed by Richard Heatley and James Donohue of CPS London. Convictions secured of four main conspirators in first two trials in 2022. Ongoing trials in 2023.
- R v P and others (Snaresbrook CC, 2021), Operation Abasia
A further multiple-shooting case between warring factions from the Broadwater Farm Estate and Tottenham who took their hostilities to a ‘shoot-out’ at 5am following an after-party on an industrial road in Leyton. 6 firearms discharged inside a party hall and in the industrial cul-de-sac immediately outside. Trident investigation leading to a pair of trials. No direct identification evidence such that the prosecution case was built on various compelling strands of circumstantial evidence. All six defendants convicted and sentenced to lengthy extended sentences. Instructed by Richard Heatley and Jonathan Shepherd of CPS London.
- R v A and others (St Albans, 2021), Operation Topaz
An organised crime group distributing multiple kilograms of importation grade cocaine to regional wholesalers across England. Multiple couriers and a large customer base. The known conspiracy spanned surveillance, Encro phone arrangements and vast telecoms communications over 6 months. ERSOU investigation. Instructed by Charles White of the Thames Valley Complex Cases Unit. All 13 indicted defendants convicted or entered guilty pleas, across a series of four trials.
Rape & Serious Sexual Offences
- R v G and others (CCC, 2022 and 2023)
A number of gangland shootings, underpinned by the supply of controlled drugs and feuds leading to retaliation and revenge. Trident investigation. A series of Old Bailey trials. Instructed by Richard Heatley and James Donohue of CPS London. Convictions secured of four main conspirators in first two trials in 2022. Ongoing trials in 2023.
- R v P and others (Snaresbrook CC, 2021), Operation Abasia
A further multiple-shooting case between warring factions from the Broadwater Farm Estate and Tottenham who took their hostilities to a ‘shoot-out’ at 5am following an after-party on an industrial road in Leyton. 6 firearms discharged inside a party hall and in the industrial cul-de-sac immediately outside. Trident investigation leading to a pair of trials. No direct identification evidence such that the prosecution case was built on various compelling strands of circumstantial evidence. All six defendants convicted and sentenced to lengthy extended sentences. Instructed by Richard Heatley and Jonathan Shepherd of CPS London.
- R v A and others (St Albans, 2021), Operation Topaz
An organised crime group distributing multiple kilograms of importation grade cocaine to regional wholesalers across England. Multiple couriers and a large customer base. The known conspiracy spanned surveillance, Encro phone arrangements and vast telecoms communications over 6 months. ERSOU investigation. Instructed by Charles White of the Thames Valley Complex Cases Unit. All 13 indicted defendants convicted or entered guilty pleas, across a series of four trials.
- LLB (Hons) Law with International Law, University of Nottingham and the University of Queensland, Brisbane
- BVC, Nottingham Law School
- Lincoln’s Inn (Hardwicke Scholar 2006, The Shelford Scholarship 2008)
- Member of the Criminal Bar Association
- Member of the Western Circuit
GP jailed for indecently assaulting patients – Chris Hewertson led Harper Marshall for the Crown
Stephen Cox, 65, denied 16 counts of indecent assault against seven women while practising in Bracknell, Berkshire, between 1988 and 1997, but he was...
Four men jailed for life for ‘senseless’ murder of cyclist – Mike Shaw led Chris Hewertson for the Crown
Kyron Lee, 21, was pronounced dead at the scene in Slough in October 2022 after the four defendants attacked him with multiple machetes or...
Case of an armed siege inside a tower block
Prosecuted by Christopher Hewertson, the case of Paul Burton and Nathan Turner features on a new episode of 24 Hours in Police Custody which...
Christopher Hewertson prosecutes Reading woman who sent hoax letters claiming brother-in-law was planning a terror attack
The defendant wrote hoax letters to the police and the Home Office in a family revenge campaign. https://www.readingchronicle.co.uk/news/18759191.reading-woman-jailed-hoax-letters-police-claiming-brother-in-law-terrorist-planning-a-christmas-attack-town/
Chris Hewertson secures acquittal at Blackfriars Crown Court
Chris Hewertson was instructed by Claire Anderson at ABV Solicitors. He secured an acquittal of an Uber driver charged with sexual assault at Blackfriars...
Barry McElduff and Chris Hewertson conclude prosecution of final chapter of tit for tat cases of Bedford gang based serious violence
Barry McElduff and Chris Hewertson secured convictions of two core members of a violent criminal gang, known as the Mile Road Gang, following an...
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