Steven Perian KC to deliver keynote speech at KPUM Law Career Convention on Sunday 24th March 2024

March 21, 2024
Steven Perian KC

Steven Perian KC has been invited to deliver the opening keynote for the Law Career Convention’s theme of The Legal Mosaic: Nurturing Diversity, Fostering Equity, and Cultivating Inclusion in the Legal Tapestry.

Established in 1979, KPUM constantly aims to promote the interests of its members, who come from over thirty different universities in the UK and Malaysia. KPUM serves as a platform for students to meet and interact with potential employers and future colleagues through various events. They seek to inform and stimulate intellectual curiosity regarding the Malaysian legal scene among law students. In this way, they have acted as the umbrella body for all Malaysian students studying English law for more than two decades. KPUM holds numerous events throughout the academic terms, including an annual Law Career Convention, summer internship programs, and much more.

To provide further context, the Law Career Convention is a flagship of KPUM that connects law students to the legal industry by providing career opportunities as well as unique insights into the different fields and aspects of law through firm presentations, panel discussions, networking sessions as well as discussions. Both the Malaysia and UK law firms will be invited to partake and contribute to this Law Career Convention to make it a more diverse and inclusive event for students to explore all sorts of opportunities.

Mr Perian KC has been invited to be part of the Convention because his presence and insights will greatly contribute to the discussions and sessions, aligning with the theme of The Legal Mosaic: Nurturing Diversity, Fostering Equity, and Cultivating Inclusion in the Legal Tapestry. The theme emphasises and highlights the importance of the above values, and amidst the mainstay of the event being a career convention, the importance of these values nevertheless should be instilled in those who intend to pursue a career in the legal field.

The details of the Law Career Convention are as follows:

Date: 24 March 2024 (Sunday)

Venue: The Law Society (113 Chancery Lane)

Time: 10:00 am – 5:30 pm”

